Nov 24, 2012

How Sandy rocked my world

Living in Hoboken in October was quite the interesting situation.  Below are pictures from Hurricane Sandy and what destruction I saw in Hoboken.

   This is the basement to my building:
Someone's garage.  Basically all of the cars in the city were ruined

 When walking around these men tapped on the window and held up this sign.  They were trapped in their building.  The sign said "HELP! NEED COFFEE"  When I saw the coffee comment, I knew they were joking.  We then talked for about 5 min.  They were safe and didn't need hep.  I think they were just waiting for someone to walk by to hold up their sign.  In the above photo their building is on the left.

 The flooded shop rite grocery store:

 The below is a restaurant that got totally destroyed:
 Anderson Cooper in Hoboken live on AC360

 The kids in the building put up this sign when we were out of power:
 The first days of clean-up:

#Hoboken #Sandy #HobokenSandy

Nov 9, 2012

Ghost bike

This week while walking the west side highway to take the ferry home for the first time, I saw the infamous ghost bike